At Master Choice Painting Pty Ltd, we only provide premium weatherproof paints for your home and office since they meet all the quality standards.
Yes, we are a fully licensed and insured company and if you wish to know more about the licensing, feel free to contact us at our number.
It depends on the type of building that is being painted.
If it is a commercial building, for example, a shopping mall or a factory, it will take longer compared to a restaurant.
Residential painting, on the other hand, takes less time as only houses and apartments are painted.
We use a wide array of tools and equipment such as paint sprayers, brushes, sandpapers, rollers, edging tools, etc.
Painting a building can be a risky job. So, before starting the service we make all the necessary painting strategies.
Our painters work in teams and when using ladders or scaffoldings, our supervisor monitors the painters and provide them with the necessary instructions to avoid falls or other accidents.
And if there is electrical wiring, switch, or an appliance nearby, we first check for short circuits to avoid electrocution or other electrical hazards.
In circumstances like these, our painters stop working as there are no other options. However, they return to the job when the wall becomes dry.
We at Master Choice Painting Pty Ltd never outsource any work, and all of our services are provided by our licenced and insured painters.
Yes, we do.
Since every building is different, one has to choose the paint that will suit the building to make it look appealing, and our experts at Master Choice Painting Pty Ltd will inspect your building and will provide you with the colour schemes that will best suit your apartment or the commercial property.
No, we never include any hidden charges, and we always maintain transparency when providing a quote.